For a refund, the products must be unused and in their original packaging with all accessories. They should also be in resalable condition. If the returned products meet the company's criteria, you will receive the refund amount after a full inspection by our returns department. The refunded amount does not include shipping costs.

If the goods received are not in a resalable condition or are in breach of the terms and conditions, we regret to inform you that our company cannot accept them. Such products will be returned to you and you will be responsible for paying shipping costs.

We offer a 7-day return policy, meaning if you receive a faulty or incorrect product, you can request a refund within 3 days of receiving the item. To request a refund, please contact our customer service team at If the company accepts your claim, you will be informed how to proceed and where to send your products.

If you return an item, the refund amount and method may vary. You can check the payment method that was refunded and the status of your refund under Your Orders.

How are refunds issued?
When you return an item, you can select your preferred refund method in the Returns Center.

If you receive a refund after we receive your item, it may take three to five additional business days for us to fully process your return and issue your refund.

Once we have issued your refund, it may take additional time for your funds to be made available in your account by your financial institution. See the table below for more details.

Note: The timing of refunds on a prepaid card depends on the card issuer. Refunds may take up to 30 days depending on the issuer's policies. If you no longer have the physical card, the card is still stored in your account. It can be used for future purchases on the account in which it is stored.

Our customer service team works Monday to Saturday. Please allow 2-3 business days for a response from our team.

  • Dublin, Ireland



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